Welcome to Grav

Crazy Fast, Ridiculously Easy, Amazingly Powerful...

Built on top of Greatness

Four core tenants keep Grav focused

We believe the best recipe to make something great, is to bake with quality ingredients and add dollops of cool stuff.

Performance is not just an afterthought, we baked it in from the start!

Simple text files means Grav is trivial to install, and easy to maintain.

Grav employs best-in-class technologies such as Twig, Markdown & Yaml

From the ground up, with many plugin hooks, Grav is extremely extensible

Content Unchained

No longer are you a slave to your CMS. Grav empowers you to create anything from a simple one-page site, to a beautiful blog, to a powerful and feature-rich product site, to pretty much anything you can dream up!

Stuffed full of Amazing Features

This is a non-inclusive smattering of them